

Thursday, 17 September 2015

Hairclickers...the path to total 90s hair?

REGAL ROSE - undeniably the coolest jewelerry shop online - has recently released the amazing 'hairclicker'. At £12 for each packet of 10, these clickers come in a huge variety of colours, materials, shapes and sizes. These little hair gems are super easy to use, and for someone like me who has a ridiculously limited knowledge of hairstyles , these are a great way to make my hair that little bit more interesting. 

Pictured below are the original hair rings that REGAL ROSE created last year and next to them, the new hair clickers. Although most women can do a simple plait...I tend to struggle. So for me the hair rings were quickly tossed to the bottom of my makeup bag. However, the hair clickers simply open up to hold the hair, and then shut again to keep everything in place. 

Although festival season may be over for now, I can safely say these little clickers will most certainly be back again next summer! So keep an eye out and practise those plaits!

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